Offering of the $GODS
What is Offering of the Gods?
Offering of the Gods is our answer to “wen staking”.
In the $GODS white paper, we said we would deliver a solution much earlier. As such, we are delivering a manual solution that rewards citizens retroactively AND allows citizens to be rewarded. While this is not our "forever solution", we are fulfilling our promise by providing an interim solution to maintain trust in the $GODS token.
What is the eligibility criteria for Offering of the Gods?
- You must have held/hold $GODS on IMX Layer 2;
- You must have linked IMX to GU;
- Also need one of the following:
- Play a ranked game of Gods Unchained OR;
- Forge; OR
- Purchase packs; OR
- Trade (buy/sell) any Gods Unchained NFT on the Immutable-powered marketplaces.
- Eligibility is checked every period.
How do I migrate my $GODS tokens from Layer 1 (L1) to Layer 2 (L2)?
You must hold your tokens on the IMX platform to be eligible. You will also need to ensure that you have linked that wallet to your Gods Unchained account. Follow the instructions in this blog post -
What if I’ve spent the $GODS on card purchases or Forging?
Only unused $GODS tokens are counted each week. If $GODS tokens are earned and then spent in the same week then the amount after the spend will be counted, if the wallet is eligible.
I thought I was encouraged to Forge, am I now not supposed to?
Try remembering Offering of the $GODS is our response and a commitment to deliver a manual version of Staking (as outlined in the whitepaper). Ultimately, we want to bring mechanisms that encourage all of our active players to hold a portion of their $GODS tokens and to reward them for doing so. In doing this, we need to strike a healthy balance and let players decide where they get the most value from their $GODS tokens. This could be through utilizing them to improve their collection, engage more with Gods Unchained or holding onto them while engaging with the game to earn rewards.
What if I had my funds in a ledger wallet will I be eligible as I fit all the criteria but this?
You do need to have your wallet connected to the Immutable platform as a base criteria. We obviously cannot recommend the best path and solution (hot vs cold wallet) for each citizen but if you decide to migrate some of your $GODS onto a wallet and connect that wallet to Immutable, it should be a step closer for the ongoing rewards available through to October 2022.
I have my $GODS in L1, would I be eligible to earn the surprise rewards as well?
All $GODS must be held on Layer 2 (L2) to be eligible. If that’s the case, you would have to move these $GODS to Layer 2 to be eligible for the ongoing rewards.
How many rewards will I get?
Introducing Offering of the $GODS Staking Calculator - Head over to to check it out! Shoutout to our community for being so helpful and building the rewards calculator!
Why do I have to do extra ‘things’ to qualify for a reward?
Keep in mind this is our first (and manual) iteration of "wen staking". Our goal is to reward active players and traders for their patience while we continue working on a long term Staking solution. For us, it’s meeting our promise in the interim but also reward ongoing engagement with GU and the economy.
What if I don’t do these ‘things’ for a period or two?
Rewards are only earned if eligibility criteria are met for each period. As such, no rewards are paid out for not completing requirements. It’s important for us to reward our active citizens.